## GPU Coding In Unity [teadrinker.github.io/gpu-coding-in-unity](http://teadrinker.github.io/gpu-coding-in-unity) [download gpu-coding-in-unity unity project](https://github.com/teadrinker/gpu-coding-in-unity/raw/gh-pages/_unity-project/gpu-coding-in-unity.zip) [download camera-bound-test bound unity project](https://github.com/teadrinker/gpu-coding-in-unity/raw/gh-pages/_unity-project/camera-bound-test.zip) Martin Eklund
animatedCarCPU Start()

  meshFilter.mesh = CreateQuadMesh(
    4.5f,  // car should be around 4 meters
    0.1914063f, 0.08691406f, // the size of each sprite
    Random.Range(0,5), Random.Range(0,10) // randomize car sprite
  // randomize depth value
  currentPosZ = Random.value * depth; 
  // initialize the speed for this car
  currentSpeed = speed * (1.0f - speedVariation * Random.value); 
  // initialize position for this car
  currentPosX = (Random.value - 0.5f) * width; 

animatedCarCPU Update()

  currentPosX += currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
  if(currentPosX > width/2) {
  	currentPosX = -width/2;
  transform.localPosition = new Vector3(currentPosX, 0.0f, currentPosZ);

#GPU Time!

  Properties {
    _MyVariable  ("My Variable", Range(1,10)) = 4

  float _MyVariable;  // accessible from the material gui
  v2f vert (appdata v) 
    // do this per vertex
  fixed4 frag (v2f i)
    // do this per pixel

We want the cars to be able to animate in parallel,
so they all need to be in the same draw call

In order to get any shader calls at all,
we need to feed it with a mesh...

"What does 1000 un-animated objects look like"
Some problems:

  • We don't have a "object callback", our shader code runs per vertex

    - Use vertex shader, just redo the same work for each vertex

  • When processing a vertex, we don't know which object/quad we are processing

    - Use z-value

  • There is no random function on GPU

    - Use hash funtion + a unique value per object

  • You cannot write to variables in the code (just output vertex or color data)

    - Rewrite the code so it doesn't need state

Lets focus on currentPosX!

  // init
  currentPosX = (Random.value - 0.5f) * width; 

  // update
  currentPosX += speed * Time.deltaTime;

Can be rewritten as

  // no init needed

  // update
  float initialPosX = (floatHash(uniqeValueForThisCar) - 0.5f) * width;
  float posX = initialPosX + speed * timeInSeconds;

And add the wrap around...

  // no init needed

  // update
  float initialPosX = (floatHash(uniqeValueForThisCar) - 0.5f) * width;
  float posX = initialPosX + speed * timeInSeconds;
  posX = (posX + width/2.0f) % width - width/2.0f; // wrap around

v2f vert (appdata v) // unity vertex shader
  v2f o;
  float4 pos = v.vertex; 
  float uniqeValueForThisCar = pos.z;
  float timeInSeconds = _Time[1];

  pos.z *= _depth; // don't randomize depth, this will ensure they are drawn back to front
  float speed = _speed * (1.0 - _speedVariation * floatHash(uniqeValueForThisCar+1.0));
  float initialPosX = (floatHash(uniqeValueForThisCar) - 0.5f) * _width;
  float posX = initialPosX + speed * timeInSeconds;
  posX = (posX + _width/2.0f) % _width - _width/2.0f; // wrap around
  pos.x += posX; // offset quadvertex by car position

  o.vertex = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_MVP, pos);

  return o;
The GPU shader in the unity project also does: * Size and aspect-ratio of quad * Height support for flying cars * A simple lighting calculation * Randomization of sprite selection * Calculation of uv coordinates And it is still around 10 times faster than the C# version!
Setting up a new unity project for Gear VR
**Anti-aliasing** Try increasing Anti Aliasing in Project Settings/Quality.